Final Rating: 6.59. Finished 30 out of 314 entries.

2,039 views including the voting period.


Animator: Miguel R. C.

Description: After a tough day for detectives Chilly and Billy, there is one last task to do: filling in a report for the boss.

Experience: Student level

Time taken: ~ 25 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Nat Black:

great work! I only wish the mustache guy wouldnt keep his eyes closed for so long, but otherwise i love this.

Jed B.:

I like the fancy hands. Mouth needs work.

Paraskevi Koutalou:

I think the left character is a bit static at pose 136, but the rest interaction between the characters is believable. I like the " I know you can" ironic grin as well

Elisabeth Janerka:

Super fun setup!!


Nice animation. The hands of the man of the newspapers are a little stiff.


Very good! I like the way the characters behave. One senses their personality!