Final Rating: 6.79. Finished 6 out of 310 entries.

50,685 views including the voting period.


Animator: Mike Schanbacher

Description: Mom is the life of her teenage daughter's party.

Experience: 6 yrs.

Time taken: A few days during free time.


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Daniel Bielawski:

Wow ! lots of characters. Really nice work

Gaucelm De Villaret:

Good idea, believable concept, kudos for the misc characters for an understandable setup. Great job with alternating camera angles. Moderate and credible expressions. Good!

Deanna Keogh:

Great job! May be a bit over populated though...

Karl Bernhardt:

the audio and lips are out of sync in places, she goes very boss eye'd when she begins to say 'why, do want a lil bit'. other than that It's very very nice, the animation on the younger girl is brilliant at the start too

Craig Joseph Massa:

This seems spot on in my opinion. I could see this being the actual scene the audio was taken from! Very well animated. Love the idea of them being at the party and the mother is trying to be the "responsible" mom as well as the "cool" mom.

Michael Kristiansen:

Looks nice, well done.


I love the acting in this one! sure could be a winner!!

Marcella D.:

Very nice

srinivasrao v:


Sabrina Winkel:

A winner! I loved absolutely everything in this animation!!

Iqtidar Ali Siddiqui:

nice work !

Fernando Incetta:

Good job, great poses and interactions between the two of them.

Terence Staples:

Great animation. It really evokes the emotion and the facial expression and setting are spot on. Cheers m8

Bonnie Smith:

I love how you included multiple rigs. I would of like to have seen the young girls face more up-close as she talked as you did the mother.