Description: The aliens r hr n d world stnds on da brink of destruction.Only Mary can save.Makashi the leadr o da Blue Freaks want2 help the humans.They want2 win Mary's trust 1st.
But they'v got a secret plot.Who wil save Mary?Wil Mary b
abl2 save d world?
Experience: no experience..still learning from books and tuts..looking for experience))
Animator: Thekho Ngaosathe Raomai
Description: The aliens r hr n d world stnds on da brink of destruction.Only Mary can save.Makashi the leadr o da Blue Freaks want2 help the humans.They want2 win Mary's trust 1st.
But they'v got a secret plot.Who wil save Mary?Wil Mary b
abl2 save d world?
Experience: no experience..still learning from books and tuts..looking for experience))
Time taken: 4-5 days..