(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Jon Coppock:
Nice holds, posing and timing
philipp seis:
Good ! Funny Character :) Lip sinch in the beginning is a bit off.
Merlyn Moynagh:
Very nice subtle animation in the face! I really enjoy it. My largest focus is the arm, it stays almost hovering perfectly in place in the air from frame 34 to 94. Without anything to rest on that arm would get very heavy, moving the body so it could rest on the table in a relaxed state would make it feel a bit more believable. Love the subtle acting choices!
Eric Buval:
probably the best animation I've seen with this rig.
Sajjad Afzal:
It would be much better if the person makes an eye contact with the camera or some other person to whom he is talking.
Description: a man gives his friend a good advice
Experience: 5 months
Time taken: 2-3 weeks after work and on weekends