Final Rating: 6.50. Finished 14 out of 211 entries.

292 views including the voting period.


Animator: Sgrasa

Description: Psychoanalisis session

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 10 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

philipp seis:

Damn nice armchairs, and lighting ! I like a lot of things in there actingwise. The right arm of the psychatrist feels a little too fast around 236. Did you model all that stuff form scratch ?

Shahin Ghahremani:

Nice, very well done! i love the funny blue character at the end! cool!!

Aaron Rivera:

Very nice, though I'm beginning to see a pattern with this particular character model. Most of the entries that use it make the character feel more stone faced and the mouth doesn't emote that much, but maybe this is a good thing for the bulky character. Plus, given that this is a therapist, it makes a lot of sense. Either way, this is great. Also, gotta love Crazy Grover. I can tell you had fun with him.