Final Rating: 5.27. Finished 45 out of 290 entries.

633 views including the voting period.


Animator: Thaddeus Carlile

Description: I always said that's what I'd do if someone was tryin'a kill me.

Experience: About a year

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Isadora Morales Chaves:

Nice poses. Wish it was finished =)

Guillaume Gimbert:

Too bad you didn't have time to finish it...


Good stuff. Are you going to finish this?

Jordan Lewers:

Cool poses with appealing character design!

Joel Murphy:

GREAT start! Nice movement. I would have like to see this a little cleaner, but once it's clean, this will make for a nice demo piece!

Tanmoy Dey:

acting is an art and you know the art......well done

Niladri Shekhar Saha:

Waaaoo Nice Gestures. Love to see it on model.


still a bit rough, but the poses are fluid and effective

Imon Branch:

the body movement needs work