(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Sabrina Winkel:
I love the cute dog at the end
Jessica "Jess" Jerome:
very cute ending Micheal. Did not see that twist coming.
Love that you gave the cop hands!! and the fan animation is really nice.
I think you are improving with every piece you've entered...now to keep improving.
The movements and the poses you have are good, I would just push them a little bit more next time. Work with Exaggeration on the cop at the exaggerated parts like "We're going kill you"...and "Dead".
Great job! This one is your best one so far.
Jason Klavir:
Thanks for incorporating my idea of the moving fan, YOOOOCCHIMMM.
Jacob Fenster:
I love the dog animation
Imon Branch:
interesting. the movement of the topic is good.
Animator: Michael Yochim
Description: Some helpful advice to a man's best friend.
Experience: 3 years
Time taken: approximately 1 month