Final Rating: 3.11. Finished 216 out of 290 entries.

426 views including the voting period.


Animator: Carlos

Description: used maya 2016

Experience: 2 Years

Time taken: 52 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


I think there is too much camera movements. Try choosing like two or max 3 fixed camera angles instead of moving it all the time

Isadora Morales Chaves:

You should really avoid pointless camera moves. It doesn't add anything to the narrative and it takes away from the animation.

Frank Geadah:

Keep the camera stationary.

Kait M.:

Since your animation is fairly dynamic, I would be wary of using too many camera moves.

Foster Eber:

There are a lot of camera movements, I would try to tone it down to just a few


Not ready...

Imon Branch:

camera action need a little work and its a little fuzzy.

Deanna Martin:

The chose to have the camera movie so much confuses me, I get the felling of someone who shouldn't be there filming a crime scene, with their smart phone.