Final Rating: 3.29. Finished 203 out of 290 entries.

425 views including the voting period.


Animator: Kayla Chauveau

Description: at someone's funeral his friend says some last words to the poor soul

Experience: 1 year

Time taken: 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Otávio Neres:

Maybe pay more attention to the characters shape? line of action? And don't make him dance when it is not a song, he is moving too much. And try to frame your character better, we do want to see his lips move and not hide from the camera, staging is golden!

OceanicBoy Joey:

timing can speed up for actions transitions. it's not bad tho

Foster Eber:

Try to have the character hit a pose and then stay in it, it feels a little swimmy. Do that and it will look great!

Kait M.:

Hold some of the poses a bit longer, the animation comes off as swim-my.

Fernando Incetta:

You don't need to make him move all the time. It looks random and uninteresting. Try to hold some poses and accent others

Imon Branch:

too much leg movement. but its good