Final Rating: 2.30. Finished 265 out of 290 entries.

418 views including the voting period.


Animator: Joselin F. Zamudio

Description: Three friends playing video games

Experience: 4 months

Time taken: 2 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Sabrina Winkel:

The camera moves too much. Try to keep it in one spot for a few secs and then switch. You don't want too much :)

Lorlay Miu:

Don't know what's happening at all.

Dustin St John:

Most of the animation does not contain much lip sync or relevance to the audio clip. The camera frequently jumps to different places leaving the viewer disoriented. I watched it a few times and the animation provided is good though.

Imon Branch:

the camera action needs work and body movement as well.

Ruud Harbers:
