Final Rating: 3.42. Finished 158 out of 228 entries.

265 views including the voting period.


Animator: MFuller

Description: Businessman/Clown Meet-Up

Experience: 1 Year

Time taken: 60 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Dave Roddick:

Character 1 disappears behind character 2 while talking. They're facing away from the camera while talking.

Jonathan Fontaine:

make sure your stagging allows for good readability, try to have less vsual noise all around and place your camera so your characters dont overlap that much. It will also allow better "silhouette"

Jason M. Braun:

Shift the camera toward the two characters. Try different compositions and see what works best. A simple approach is to do a mid shot of one character on the quarter left side and the other on the quarter right side. Make adjustments to the rig so the camera can see their expressions.

Hanne Dewachter:

It's kind of an odd choice to place the camera in such a way that you can't see half the expressions and bodies, I think.

Aaron Clement:

I like this one, it just needs better staging. Maybe have a medium close up for the guy talking then switch back. Fun set!

Elisabeth Janerka:

Work on your composition and framing. Doesn't help tell the story when the characters are standing behind each other and both looking away from camera.