(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Antoine Desnoyers:
really original!
no I don't want to use my real name:
best one I've seen so far
Mitchell Kirkpatrick:
I’m a fan of this one. The watch change is great. Very nice style and detail.
Samantha Lewis:
This looks great!! I love the style!!
Éloise Valiquette:
I really like the style of your animation! it is really beautiful and well done!
Wowzzers! That was really good.
Simon Côté:
wow weird but so smooth and well made !
Zachary Lussier:
Great animation ! I like it
Anthony Abou Rezk:
I love this 2D animation style, it's very appealing, and the staging is very good, if you practiced some animation principles, you'd have something amazing, so keep up the work!
Animator: Emily Houser
Description: Evil reptilian spawn wishes to infiltrate humanity.
Experience: Two years as a student
Time taken: Four weeks on and off