Final Rating: 7.76. Finished 4 out of 169 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Alberto Galaz

Description: When you are too focused.

Had fun, but run out of time :c

Experience: 3 years

Time taken: 7 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Michael D. Smith:

Oh man... So good. Love the subtle actions.

David Ball:

Amazing animation. Love it.

Thea Tsardoulias:

I would love to see this polished but I love your animation and acting!

Samantha Koffler:

Love the fluidity--awesome acting from both as well!!

Martin Miljkovic:

Solid work. Nicely done, nice acting choice.

Dani Calleja:

Only with a little more time you'd manage to finish it. It's respectable but finished would have been great