(Commenting only available during the rating period)
James Van Dam:
I like the narrator Idea. though I think showing the narrator just to have a lip synch animation was unnecessary. Cut him out and let us see what happens when Stuart messes with Balto. Also have balto get more in Stuart's face.
Ryan D Lowe:
Nice take on this. A LOT going on at once though. Hard to focus on any one thing. I would of staged this a bit better to help tell the story.
Aaron Clement:
Nice idea. A bit floaty in places. Great creativity.
Casey Colledge:
I think the staging/camera angle could use some work. I am not really sure where to look. Also the boy characters reaction to a dog standing up and snarling should be a little more intense. Other than that, pretty good.
Liviu Boar:
hahaha, funny!
Amartya Mukherji:
its good animation but where to look at? its like two diff shots playing at once
Danny Kneip:
Really difficult to focus on two things at once. What do you want us to watch? And what is the speaker looking at? The lip sync is fairly strong and the animation in the background is also good, but the weakness is in the direction and staging.
Animator: Róbert Dan Sigurðsson
Description: You learn by your mistakes.
Experience: 6-8 months
Time taken: 20 days after work