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you broke his neck at f170... and she has no emotions/ facial animation :/
Emilio Muñiz:
that head is soooooo weird
Per Cardell:
I'm not sure what is communicated here. Keep working and make the details count even more.
Mike M.:
You have some head twisting issues around frame 171
Vanessa Gonzalez:
I think it's pretty good overall except when he twists his head around frame 170. I see what you were going for, but it seems a little too exaggerated to me and if you were to tone it down it'd look much better. It might fit if the animation in general was quirkier and more exaggerated, but in this particular animation it distracts from the overall dramatic tone.
Ryan D Lowe:
I fully 100% understand what you were going for. A very Andreas Deja' villain swipe move. However you straight up have broken the rig and it just doesn't work for this piece. HOWEVER the rest of the shot is solid. Good work!
from grame 160 to 170, whatever you tried to do, it failed.
Jacky Chen:
is his head weird rotating ?
Lukasz Wenc:
that overlaping head at f 173 :)
Matt Horstman:
The facial expressions and body language are really solid. That head swoop really put me off. Way to exaggerated.
Amartya Mukherji:
Lady expressions???
why that jerky head turn??
Thomas Edward:
Nice! Quirky twist - I like that interpretation!
Emily Rose Gerich:
When he moves to screen right - is his head gimbaling, or is that on purpose? Either way, it really isn't working.
Arik R. Morales IV:
Not bad at all, though I feel as if his head bobbing is a bit too much. Also would have loved to seen some more expression from the woman in the chair.
J.K. Riki:
Interesting head twist blur weird thing! I don't know if it works, but I think it could it just needs a little more flow to it, maybe take the neck along in the curvature of the arc. Certainly was unique to watch!
Diane Aarts:
good, but that neck breaking at 170 is terrifying
Danny Kneip:
Totally distracting head turn around F170. A pity, because the lip sync is fairly strong, as is his creepy performance. The woman is too subdued, under the circumstances.
Timothy David Perry:
Yo bruh, check yo neck.
Casey Colledge:
I realize what you were going for with the head snap/twist but, I think you went a little overboard. Some motion blur would def help as well as some COG movement up and down and side to side. That should help give it that creepy snake like feel.
Colin Davey:
I think I get what you were going for when they guy switches sides but it isn't working as it is. That part needs some work. It looks like he glitches for a second.
Babul Prasad:
nice animation, need to work on body. its looking weird when he take turns on frame 175
Animator: Kirti N Rathod
Description: kidnapped princess and hunchback
Experience: 5 Yrs
Time taken: a week