(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Ryan D Lowe:
Great work here, but the character barely moves. Good use of the face however! I liked a bit of what you did there.
Aaron Clement:
Decent. Lighting is a bit dark at the beginning. I like the subtleness of this. Good facial expressions. Love the ending.
Muhammad Arsal:
Have I said already about those dark almost no lighting 3d animation scenes ? Oh yes I have.
Amartya Mukherji:
Needs a lot of improvement
Thomas Edward:
Nice subtle animation going on here, but a little hard to see it if your lighting's too dark!
Danny Kneip:
A pretty good sync, nice cuts and camera movement. The slumping of the character at the end is an interesting choice. Not showing the light source is a smart idea - visible headlights would have been awfully cliche, but I wish the back light on the character was stronger. At F107, the eyeball is nearly rolled back into the skull, and that could have been avoided. Overall, a good entry.
Description: A lamenting gangster has bitter words with the body he's just buried. Tried having a go with some more subtle movements with this one.
Experience: Not nearly enough
Time taken: 2 weeks around work and study