(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Per Cardell:
Intresting idea. It can be interpreted in many ways. Therefore not so clear. The acting is better than the bouncing ball. Keep it up!
Sergio Candela Ramirez:
I didnt like the way the way the German guy is animated but love how the brazilian hugs the cup :)
Aaron Clement:
Good lighting. Feels really fluid. I like it.
Ryan D Lowe:
The story here is really rough, but the animation is pretty solid. Lots of texture.
Amartya Mukherji:
nice animation but meaning of your story? plz explain
Animator: avinash kharat
Description: The deep feelings of brazil fan for fifa. That day was black day for football history -it was 7-1, I was surprised , shoked , sad , confussed . So I made this .
Experience: 11 months
Time taken: 13 days