Final Rating: 4.92. Finished 36 out of 138 entries.

446 views including the voting period.


Animator: John Ramos

Description: The Brain has a "casual" chat with Heart over emotions.

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 30 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Eric Raffle:

very violent with that knife but ok

Penny S:

Love the concept

Steven GUardado:

there should be 1-2 more blinks on the "heart"; especially, when the knife moves toward it. more like a flinch.

Jesiel Almeida:

Ow. Very nice idea, congrats! need a little improvements in the arcs, but in the big picture is very good! I love when the brain don´t look to the heart...

Diana Kosianka:

The animation is very fluid in this video

Nikolas Diamant:

I love the concept