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Arfff teenagers

by loic

Final Rating: 5.35. Finished 22 out of 138 entries.

662 views including the voting period.


Animator: loic

Description: Hi!!

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 10 d


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Pauline Champetier:

Fixing the eye contact at the beginning of the scene would improve it a lot ! But nice work overall.

Steven GUardado:

lip sync is off in the second shot and the focus character seems to be overacting the dialogue.

Hailee Pullman:

Great poses and I love the contrast between the characters and the background.

Carolyn Mennecke:

Love the emotion in this one!

Alexander Gray:

superb work! the pose where he lifts his foot up and stomps down could be more pushed. The acting is great and the emotion is well shown in the scene.