Final Rating: 4.13. Finished 60 out of 138 entries.

388 views including the voting period.


Animator: Dalton Krajewski

Description: My first hectic entry.

Rendered version & assets:

Experience: A handful leisurely, 0 professionally

Time taken: roughly 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


The way he adjusts his glasses is pretty good and some of his hand gestures are interesting but overall it lacks a bit of energy, the way the doctor puts his leg up seems unnatural and the woman's movements, her neck specifically, are a bit stretchy.

Harishankar Thiyagarajan:

Good work. The eyes, brows and needs more conecntration. Actions are fine. Doc had the right leg over his left leg then removed it and then back up again. It looks like you have ran out of ideas how to move him for the timing. Acting it out will give you more options.