Final Rating: 5.59. Finished 22 out of 100 entries.

649 views including the voting period.


Animator: Fah Chatkaew

Description: The man who loves his pet so much

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 1 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Austin Reddington:

I love how smooth your animation is! the mouth doesn't feel as polished as the rest of the body though. great secondary motion on the chicken. overall nicely done!

Justin H:

I really love that chickens manic little movements. Very effectively birdlike! The poses are memorable without going too over the top for your set up. Really nice!

Jean Lamy:

Very nice

Paul Von:

Show the other character talking please.

Cloud Wilk:

I don't really know where the voice is coming from- it'd be nice if the character gave some kind of indication, as soon as the girls voice started, of where it is.


chicken played well

Sabrina Winkel:

His acting was good. I liked how he hugged the chicken. I know the struggle you're in with lip sync



Ankit Singh:

you have to add other character. but animation wise it's good