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Leonard Confession

by mowanie

Final Rating: 5.05. Finished 41 out of 120 entries.

542 views including the voting period.


Animator: mowanie

Description: Leonard fights with his conscience to get some peace

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 1 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Dani Calleja:

To me it looks fine for acting and execution.

I think the problem here is perhaps choosing a full body wide shot basically because you recorded yourself that way.

My question would be, does this clip needs to be a full-body long length shot?

I think we're focusing so much on acting and refine that we are no longer care about the story itself.

Your animation looks designed only to show off your animation skills and not to tell a history while it should be the opposite.

Kevin McCullough:

he feels off balance in several poses, last move from crouching to standing feels way too fast and pose to pose