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Did you ask her why?

by Lu Poh Ning

Final Rating: 6.51. Finished 9 out of 51 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Lu Poh Ning

Description: Raymond's assighment

Experience: 1 year student

Time taken: 30 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Gaucelm De Villaret:

Hey, that's pretty good.

Balaji Uttathur:

Good concept, lip-sync needs more work on smoothing the animation overall

Poppy Marlow:

I love the angles, just work on the lip sync and it would be perfect! Great work :)

Kyra Simone:

Great direction and lip sync!! The subtleties have been captured very well. I honestly don't have enough knowledge of 3D to crit this. I guess the only other thing to worry about is rendering.

Yue Yuan:

The only one of 3D better animation. lose big pose