Final Rating: 6.88. Finished 7 out of 64 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Aaron Cooper

Description: First submission, I am looking forward to hearing feedback.

Experience: I am a beginner

Time taken: all month


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Love the style, love the humor, love the posing. This was super enjoyable to watch

Brian Williams:

Sort of has a yellow submarine vibe.

Susannah N.:

I love your designs! Good animating too! The first part "Is this some kind of a joke captain?" could be a little smoother. That is, his torso seems to morph a bit, and the mouthing is a bit exaggerated. But then again, it could just be the style you're going for. Anyway, great job!

Merry Princess Joe:

weird but nice design, the animation needs tons of improvement though.

Tania Chernichenko:

in frame 121 your hand doesn't match the rhythm and in 205 the frame changes so fast that I don't understand who was talking.


oh man I am all about this art style WOW. extremely funny and appealing. only thing I think is flip that last shot, I think it'd make more sense if they looked at each other. This is def my pick this month

Sam Windsor:

incredible style! love the characters!