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Knights at the Round Table

by Roy

Final Rating: 5.38. Finished 29 out of 64 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Roy

Description: My name is Roy Rector, scene was all made in Maya.
Characters: CGTarian-Ray, Sellsword by Georgakakis and Emilio Serrano Garcia.
Environment by Mitylernal
Render: Radeon Pro Render.

Big thanks to Charlie Hoffman for being a superb Acting Reference.

Experience: 5 years

Time taken: Took me 3 weekends


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


A little too soft/slow. But good energy overall

Matt Horstman:

I like a lot of the poses you selected. Remember your line of action. I think the left guy's "NO" pose could be much stronger. Lean into it, make the movement faster and snappier, add a little bit of overshoot to sell it.
Right guy could use some downward center of gravity action before "summon", and then comes back up as he shouts, almost like he's standing on his toes, and maybe leans right.