Final Rating: 4.60. Finished 59 out of 173 entries.

331 views including the voting period.


Animator: loic

Description: Shopaholic

Experience: 8 months

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Andy Cheung:

the actual animation is decent but the idea is unclear.

Enrico Westley:

I love how smooth it is! I don't quite get the story, or maybe she's just happy with the price of that purse. I like it though!


In the 1st shot he (on the our left) is definitely too close,
but I like his weird face & expression...ha ha

Sarah Johnson:

Decent body mechanics, but the facial expressions on the girl are hard to read.

Benjamin Berg:

Your animation feels shimmy and you need to work on clearing up your poses.