Final Rating: 6.19. Finished 14 out of 173 entries.

18,574 views including the voting period.


Animator: giga gudushauri

Description: tell him

Experience: one year 5 Month

Time taken: two week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

James Richardson:

nice animation! There's some really great things going on with the hands, puts a lot of character into it. Where I think it falls down a little is in the lip synch itself, especially where she says 'Saul tell him' around frame 120, it just doesn't feel like she's actually saying that. Great animation though!

Rahul Rishikesh:

liked her acting except the "ofcourse i am" part...should be more exaggerated with anticipation...beginning was really good


starting check the motion looks jerky,looks like nice

Andy Cheung:

ooh, some nice original acting choices, liking the index finger on the eye then the palms to the eyes. Don't know if its a rig thing but i feel the facial could be pushed more and made to feel a bit fleshier.

Brooke Wagstaff:

Some really beautiful acting here--great job!

Eddie Higgenbottom:

good facial animation but it's black and white why?

Taylor Selgas:

Wow awesome job!

Enrico Westley:

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Nice acting, so now you just need to work on the timing and how she moves in and out of each pose! Nice work!

Leonardo Pereira:

Great animation. I think the final part "of course I'm" is weak. You need improve this part in the acting, the expression is flat here.

Amartya Mukherji:

The animation is very nice. the teeth are looking odd. Maybe bcoz of the lipstick colour. The emotion of the lady can be felt. that's what is important.


Wouaahh great !! Good Word ! Congrats !