(Commenting only available during the rating period)
David Hendrix Shovlin:
Real solid. Hadn't even thought about a cigar.
Richard Carrillo:
Too much cigar.
Enrico Westley:
There's not that much happening as far as the phrasing of the shot is concerned. You should apply more than the cigarette actions to this piece.
Brooke Wagstaff:
I love that you're working with the sound file with the drags on the cigarette, but maybe cut out a few of them? Right now, that's a *lot* of cigarette smoke inhalation in a short amount of time. :)
Jerry Graham:
Really good - the timing of the lip sync at the start of "Saul, tell him" is a bit off though - like the S sound starts while the cigarette is still in the character's mouth.
J.K. Riki:
The cigar works really nicely with the heavy breathing, good concept there! It would be nice if you had added a few feminine touches to the model, even if it was just pink eyebrows or something to say a bit more "female." Keep at it, and good luck with future entries!
Animator: Adam Sirrelle
Description: Nervous smoking and concern.
Experience: >4 years
Time taken: 2 weeks