Final Rating: 2.57. Finished 153 out of 173 entries.

294 views including the voting period.


Animator: fuyuxuan

Description: i make so many mistake in this animation, sad.But i also learn a was worth my work,my time.

Experience: Time is very important…i think writing down the outline on paper will be much better.

Time taken: 30h


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Reginald Crumpler:

Everything was all 'floaty' especially at the lip sync.

Enrico Westley:

Still needs to be blocked / posed. I like how you added the "thump" though! Most people forget things like that.


lip sync could be shown better and.....

Benjamin Berg:

Keep working on the fundamentals. I would recommend practicing on exercises that would help you work on timing and weight.