Final Rating: 6.93. Finished 6 out of 177 entries.

29,712 views including the voting period.


Animator: Kevin Maier

Description: Little Cosette sings a lullaby about a better place for her and her siblings

Experience: Student

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Rannva Macdonald Arnskov:

Only thing a bit off I would say, is the mouthshape at the end, as she turns to the side. Otherwise, it's gorgeous. Especially the hand movements feel natural and great

Andre Nunes:

very cool. you need to finish with final art, this would look great :)
i like the hand animation in the first shot, very good :)
keep the good work :)

Antoine Boel':

I like the overall animation a lot, it's clean and subtle.
The lipsync could be a bit more expressive in my opinion, it is strange that her mouth never closes (ie around frame 230).

Nick Kondo:

Great drawings! Would've loved to see more!

Michael Launder:

great work!

Alex Turner:


GokulNath Gajapathy:

love your hand animation at the start and clear facials :)

Zeeshan Karimi:

Love it! Keep up the great work!

David Alin:

very nice. Some poses are a bit overacted though.

Tharitchonlathorn Pimpa:

You must be winner !!!

Sarah Johnson:

Very nice! You're one of the only ones that's really made some nice mouth shapes.

J.K. Riki:

Really lovely job! Reminded me a lot of American Tail. :) Hope to see more in future months, good luck!

Bryan Stone:

Missed the first stanza otherwise good 2D work.

Dominic Rayner:

Really nice hand animation at the start, and lipsynch very decent. It's a nice bit of work. I suppose if I were to try and criticize, maybe you could have made more of the background imagery or story to justify all the action, because it feels like watching a clip.The dialogue is not easy though so, well done


Could see a tongue, but it never moved.


I like the 1st shot, last composition can be little tight, lipcynk is off..