Final Rating: 4.38. Finished 65 out of 126 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Xien Bui

Description: Granddaughter plays with grandfather in the park. The little girl dreams of becoming a police officer

Experience: 1+

Time taken: about 10 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


I’m not understanding the concept of the scene. It was well rendered


i assume this is unfinished from the lack of lipsync at the end which is fine; but i'm still confused about the choice of pointing the (fake?) gun at him? i'm not sure this action can match the audio. i see it as she's found out about his magic and trying to catch him like a cop or something? even with context this is just a very random action to me.
anyway; the poses in the first part are quite good though; try to clearly define the most prominent mouth shapes. from around frame 40 where she says 'should know about'. the consonants are not really visible so she looks like she's just opening and closing her mouth. you don't have to make a key for every single letter - try to effectively combine the sounds and make very clear 'aas', 'oos' and closed mouth soudns like 't, b' etc.
aside from lipsync, i like that you included blinks. but there is still an overall lack of face acting. try posing the characters with some more dramatic expressions; 'is there anything else (slight pause - could be to emphasise an expression/ build anticipation) going on, that i should know about?' her face as she's saying this could have a much more questioning and demanding look, raising her eyebrows, shaking her head etc. which would work wonderfully with the secondary action of her spinning the gun in her hand.