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Grandpa needs to cook

by trist

Final Rating: 5.53. Finished 40 out of 126 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: trist

Description: I don't think grandpa is keeping his secrets as well as he thinks.
(ran out of time again..)

Experience: hobbist 8 years

Time taken: spare time over the month


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


The poses and acting are quite believable and expressive! I like the humor. But I would firstly watch out for the lipsync; it seems delayed from the audio which means it most likely wasn't timed right. The lipsync should always be placed ahead of the audio, at least 2 frames, depending on the sound. In case you don't notice it, it's probably the most visible from frame 307, where the female character says 'uuh'.
I would also watch out for anatomy; I see you cleaned up the animation but the linework is a bit inconsistent due to the anatomy errors. Most of the issues are with their bodies (I think you did a great job on the hands though and, i like the perspective from 136!) Don't be afraid to be rough in the first pass and explore dynamic poses; but before clean up make sure the anatomy is correct. Some of the linework isn't very cohesive; for example, the male character from frame 232 onwards; there are a few wrinkle lines next to his nose and mouth that look too scratchy compared to the rest of your linework. Also his cheekbone and jawline are quite confusing, make sure you define each element more clearly. I