Final Rating: 3.00. Finished 100 out of 126 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: kiya

Description: little demon is learning he can make fire and then goes out of control and hides it

Experience: first year universty

Time taken: few hours max 7


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Jay G. :

I like how you captured how nonchalant the character is feeling


the animation was pretty good. nice color and lighting but the dialogue was a bit off


this is quite confusing; i might get the idea of the character trying to seem unbothered, but why did he catch on fire and not react to it? it just seems very out of place. also the moving camera starting at around frame 125 is quite unecessary to me, as there isn't anything particularly dramatic to be enhanced by a moving camera. the focus should be on the character's acting and reaction.