Final Rating: 7.45. Finished 7 out of 75 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Santiago Ruiz

Description: ****SPOILER ALERT*****
One of the key elements of playing chess is keeping a cold head and not getting heated, because that, as we can see the king doing, can lead to terrible decisions

Experience: I studied a major in animation for5 years and I've worked in some projects since I graduated on June

Time taken: Including design, rigging, backgrounds and animation, I'd say around 40 ish hours, maybe


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

Haha! This is great!!! Love the character designs! I would say that I think the lip sync could improve. It seems slightly off especially with the male character.

I would also have liked to see the male character react to the "knight" coming in to crush the pawn to show the danger and predicament he's in. However, I'm a little confused with this setup. He has legs and feet so is he able to run off the board if he's about to get crushed by a chess piece? Does he need to be concerned about this? His expression makes him seem indifferent to it so why show the chess pieces destroying one another? Maybe if the male character also had a base like the other chess pieces (instead of legs), it would make it harder for him to flee?

Paul Lange:

Nice animation and the reveal at the end is funny.