Final Rating: 6.08. Finished 19 out of 75 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Nikko Patacsil

Description: He's determined to not stop, whereas she wants to stop this battle amongst each other.

Experience: 3 Years

Time taken: 1 Week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

Great setup and characters! Great compositions!

The female characters arm holding the sword looks IKish... meaning at times it just stops in midair while the body continues to move. That arm actually doesn't need to be in IK. Just contrain the sword to the FK arm.

The one arm that should be in IK and anchored to the other arm is the male character. There is a script you can use called the "rivet". I would look into that, then you would be able to setup a constraining system to keep that hand holding the other arm in place so that it doesn't float around that area the whole time.