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The mouse and the cheese

by Ricz Zsófia

Final Rating: 5.41. Finished 27 out of 75 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Ricz Zsófia

Description: The mouse and the cheese talk in an awkward situation.

Experience: I am an animation student.

Time taken: I did it for 2 days.


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

Interesting idea!

It seems you repeated the motion of the mouse but altering the arms on each motion. I would try to avoid doing that.

I would suggest learning the simple "bouncing ball" exercise to start understanding the basics of animation. As well as the "flour sack" exercise to understand the spine and hips/root movement.

Lip sync is off and needs improvement. At times it's a bit ambiguous.