Final Rating: 7.58. Finished 6 out of 75 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Miguel Ángel Fernández Pineda

Description: The guy wants to win the Monopoly game, but it's the women who has all the buildings, and tries to stop him before he destroys their relationship over Monopoly.

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 8 days - 4-6hrs/day


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Good rendering and animation

Richard Clark:

This is great!! Love the performances for the most part! I've messed with the "Daniel" rig before, and I was going to use that rig for this month, but I could not get those damn shoulders to deform correctly for me.

I would say, with the performances, the "Daniel" character stays in one pose for the most part throughout. I would try to have him do something else either at the beginning or the end to break it up more.

Lip sync is off and needs improvement. At times it's a bit ambiguous.

Also, the compositions could improve a bit. For the 1st and 3rd shots, you've got too much dead space on the right side of the frame. Everything needs to shift over. Are you familiar with the "rule of thirds?" Shift everything so that "Daniel" is in the 2nd third of the frame. With the 2nd shot, the same applies except flipped. Shift everything screen left to reposition her in the 1st third of the frame. Once again, too much dead space on her right side. It should be fine if the "Daniel" character takes up more of the frame for this shot. It will show more intimidation.

Paul Lange:

You added a lot a small details to the scene, both in terms of props and the movement of the characters. Well done!