(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Richard Clark:
Good effort! You should try and shoot reference so that you can get a better idea on how you want to animate your sequence.
Your characters lack weight to them. You started to move the root/hips on the male character at the beginning, but you should try to relate it to the motion of the body more and have that type of movement (subtlety) to emphasize moments in the dialogue to help. Most of the time you're not moving them at all.
Lip sync is a bit off and needs improvement. At times it's a bit ambiguous.
If you can put more emotion into both characters waists then you will be able to push the body language so much further.
Paul Lange:
Nice reaction at the end.
Animator: Reyna Katseli
Description: Hey guys, its the 2nd animation I created! Hope you enjoy it!
Experience: I'm an animator student
Time taken: It took me 2 weeks