Final Rating: 5.83. Finished 24 out of 75 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Joshua

Description: A Married couple attempting to find the best way to solve a crisis, but one insults the other, thankfully the insulted party is more playful than offended.

Experience: junior

Time taken: 20hrs


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

Good effort! Love the characters!

You should try and shoot reference so that you can get a better idea on how you want to animate your characters. If you did, then I would follow that a bit better. I think you might have pushed the performance at the end too far and your characters lack weight to them and are floaty throughout.

Lip sync is ok. Composition is ok

James Delaney:

Your poses need to more holds. It helps massively with readability. Everything is swimming from one pose to another.