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An Unusual Relationship

by Toby Feakin

Final Rating: 6.03. Finished 20 out of 75 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Toby Feakin

Description: Rigs:
Neka by characterrigs.com
Malcolm by Animschool

Experience: Almost 2 years

Time taken: 2 Weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Good setting but somethings could be changed a bit, for example, it's a little obvious that the male Characters Right hand is in IK rather than FK, unless a characters hand is gripping or is restrained on/by something equally or more solid/heavier than him/herself the hand should be in FK so that the hand is influenced by the actions of the main body, that way the hand feels more real rather than inconspicuously floating exactly where it needs to for extended periods of time. Granted it's harder to maintain and thus a lot more work, but it will by default look more real.

Richard Clark:

Good effort!

However, it feels floaty throughout. I think you're trying to be too graceful with the movement because of the seductive nature of your piece.