Final Rating: 4.59. Finished 90 out of 200 entries.

974 views including the voting period.


Animator: Crissie and Jess Z

Description: Two nuggets find themselves toileting together. As awkward as that may be, they try to "PUSH" forward with useless conversation.

Experience: 11 months

Time taken: 1 day


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Kaya Oldaker:

Lol are those chicken nuggets? Reminds me a little of south park for some reason X)

Jay Smith:

This could be my favorite stop-motioned one of all time!! And I hate chicken nuggets!! Love the water splash and the overall appeal! Great work.


Good to see some stop motion! Nice job lol

Guy Charnaux:

Oh yeah, fried chicken stop-motion!

Sarah Dunn:

I freaking love this! there's really not much animation to it but it made me laugh as soon as it started. great idea!

Valentious Williams:


April Slocombe:

Is the nugget on the right acting as a plug for the blocked toilet or does he wet himself as he jumps up? Other than this confusion, the set up is quirky and I like the simple facial expressions, especially the nugget's constipated look at the beginning.

Genevieve Powzun:

Always love these little chip characters! Very humorous, good job! :)

Jaron Jackson:

I love this.

Duckula Bravepuppy:

;D I like the style


Awesome :)...

Wolfgang Haas:

Awesome! I'm always looking forward to the cookie animation every month :)

Derek Stewart:

Nah. That's just.. no. Gross.

Shelby Christie:

The return of the chicken nuggets!!! Hahaha. Great job :D

philipp seis:

Funny, and very creative, with the charme of randomness from stop motion, but you could dig some more into propper breakdowns and inbetweening. All in all admirable approach

