Final Rating: 5.35. Finished 54 out of 200 entries.

579 views including the voting period.


Animator: Kristin Turnipseed

Description: A lonely mortician finds himself a friendly conversation.

Experience: 7 weeks of animation classes

Time taken: 2 and a half weeks, approximately 12 hours per day


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Kaya Oldaker:

Woah, dark... But still funny X)

Lee W:

Funny idea and nice animation!

April Slocombe:

Is the man lying down dead? Apart from this distressing implication, I like the poses, body movements and the lip sync on the other man.

kishan Rathod:

Needs a lot of improvement

Jayvon Gomes:

This is an amazing idea haha

Callie Smith:

Fun to watch, though, I feel the lip Sync is a little slow.

I probably laughed more than I should have.

Shelby Christie:

Ahhhhhahahaha, great idea! It makes me wonder if this is what actual morticians do while they are alone with bodies.


Nice concept!


Funny concept- around f150 when the patient's head is let go of and falls- you could make that fall much faster, show a little weight. This would emphasize him hitting his head back on the table

Stéphane Sartori:

I love the idea!

Mihai-Adrian Chirieac:

I like the story.

Mohamed Javith:

nice concept