(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Daniel Nascimento:
I think there are one too many positions on the head when the guy swigs the golf bat. It makes it look a bit like the head is loose and takes away a lot of that directional line quality you want to keep for action poses so the the strength and the direction of the movement can be read better by the audience. I do love how he looks so embarrassed after being caught on the act at the end.
Zacary Hutchinson:
Not bad at all, the ball was floaty though.
Evan Mayfield:
April Slocombe:
This is another example where Bill could look disappointed when he says, "adequatulance" but the rest of the animation fits with the dialogue perfectly and the lip sync is top notch.
Funny idea and good animation! Sometimes the cahracters' movements were a little choppy. Keep that in mind for next time
kishan Rathod:
Needs a lot of improvement
Kicking the golf ball away was a nice touch.
Mihai-Adrian Chirieac:
I like the story, but I think the guy on the desk should try and through the ball quicker. Also, the guy in the door needs more work I think, it seems to pop at the end.
Animator: Cale Royer
Description: Bill got a promotion, and is celebrating his new "Private office."
Experience: Two years, student.
Time taken: Every-other-day, all month long.