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What shall we have for lunch?

by Kris Jeung

Final Rating: 3.91. Finished 121 out of 231 entries.

510 views including the voting period.


Animator: Kris Jeung

Description: Lunch time is usually the time where you figure out what to have. But what happens when you have a colleague who doesn't eat meat?

Experience: 3 years

Time taken: 2 full days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Alice Reeve:

Good facial expressions and hand gestures! I always like to see good facial expressions because it really makes the character come alive. Watch his movements though - some are nice and fluid, but others are looking a bit rigid.

Adrian Winchell:

Animation's decent, tho the first hold during the vegetarian's second line seems like a really uncomfortable pose to hold. Since we don't see the other character, maybe some idle action or reaction during their lines?