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Nice and smooth! Love the designs as well. I must admit I was confused by the sweat (am I right in assuming it was sweat?) around frame 140, at first thinking it was a teardrop. Upon second viewing I got it, but it might have made it more clear to place it on his forehead instead of his cheek.
Lucas Donaldson:
I like all the actions where he's transforming and keeps trying to hide it. It speaks of an ulterior story behind everything.
Joep de Laat:
Cool designs and the focus of action stays clear even in shots where you see both characters.
Only this that was slightly confusing for me was the black mole on the left mans cheek, definitely when he also had a drop of sweat running around there.
Amin Bahari:
good work! on my top 10. I did not like the last part as much. the character to the left moves too much, distracting away from the other character whose line is being played, can't tell if it's because of the acting choices you made, or the closeness you made this to a video reference?
Adrian Winchell:
Another decent 2D piece! Interesting stuff with the fangs and hair. Is he supposed to be a werewolf or vampire or something?
Ahmad Abdelmagid:
Some movements looked too snappy but otherwise very fluid and dynamic. Nice!
Sabrina Winkel:
It's really good. Nice camera angles. Good acting
Kendra Kaye Coffey:
I love the vegetarian's hands at around the 91 mark. The subtle closing up of the hand and cutting back of the other hand seems very timid, likeathe character subconsciously realizes maybe he said something controversial.
Animator: AR Bullock
Description: Drew the werewolf has quit meat and become a vegetarian. Feldmont the vampire doesn't get it and isn't helping.
Experience: 6 Years 2D, Self-Taught
Time taken: 4 Days