(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Adrian Winchell:
What IS wrong with him? It's a neat idea to have him talking to himself, but I'd love to see that accomplished through cutting, a la Gollum vs Smrgol, then cut out to have him sitting in a padded room. Rather than an abstract black and red stripe? I'm really at a loss for context here @_@
Ramsey Parks:
I like the split personality idea, but maybe do something with the emotions to tell the difference between the two.
Richard Adams:
Extremely floaty. Lacks fundamentals.
Sam Caudill:
what's up with the eyes?
Lucas Donaldson:
I like the idea of the same guy talking to himself. like he's got multiple personalities.
Tafrey Mongkuo:
Love the concept but the execution needs work.
Animator: Roxanne Lynch
Description: one harryed eyed comedian imitates the unspeakable conversation from "Everything is Illuminated". A dangerous diet in perilous times.
Experience: notalot
Time taken: bou'4 weeks