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Confessions of a Vegetarian Kind

by Danny Kneip

Final Rating: 5.16. Finished 56 out of 231 entries.

599 views including the voting period.


Animator: Danny Kneip

Description: A vegetarian spends time in the confessional with his priest.

Experience: Years

Time taken: 11 day rush job


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Adrian Winchell:

Vegetarianism is a sin now, huh? Cool models, haven't seen these rigs before! The mouth arcs are great! Would love to see a little body motion during the holds tho'.

Jessica "Jess" Jerome:

idea is funny

Teresa Cobble:

Nice Cuts.


This is a great idea and I'm pissed I didn't think of it

Richard Adams:

Fun concept...but, ummm....how is being a vegetarian a sin?

Florencia Irena:

this is funny. i like it. goodluck :)

S J Bennett:

Laughed out loud at the premise. Animation good but could have used more polish to make it less robotic, vegetarian smile is funny but fades a little quick.. ?


A little stiff

Robert Firestone:

Cool stuff Danny! Love the concept.


So funny! Like the idea and the acting. I would just improve the final reaction of the cure.

Suyog Patil:

nice Facial expressions

Lucas Donaldson:

clever idea with the guy in confessional

Michael Kristiansen:

Cool idea and characters. Well done. Only thing I would suggest is more secondary animation to make it more smooth.


The confession of a vegetarian. I really like this idea. A very unique idea and good departure from typical ideas that have arisen from this sound file. Good job.

Kendra Kaye Coffey:

For the most part good but the lip syncing on "I'm a vegetarian" is off. The facial expression at the very end shot and camera angle absolutely made this for me! That end nailed it!