Final Rating: 5.12. Finished 58 out of 231 entries.

572 views including the voting period.


Animator: Adam McEwen

Description: A meat eater is not amused to find his friend is a vegetarian.

Experience: 6 years in 3D character animation

Time taken: 2 weeks on and off


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Alice Reeve:

Great poses, but I think you could do more with his facial expressions. His mouth movements need to be exaggerated more so that they fit the dialogue.

David Ramirez:

Nice hand rub/ hand interruption @110 :)
Your poses and movements look great too. I wish I could see the mouth open more for the lip sync. The beginning I was wondering if the guy off camera or the main character was talking.
from frames 1-110, the eyebrows look very still.

Adrian Winchell:

It's hard to read the dialog here since the mouth animation is so small. Everything else looks good tho - love the chicken :D

Suyog Patil:

Nice Animation

swati bhardwaj:

nice concept and very good staging of character and objects in your shot.

Lola Robey-Levine:

Wow, I didn't expect just the one character to be able to carry the whole scene, but somehow you pulled it off. There's a couple of moments where the lipsync feels a little off (mainly on "You're a what?"), but apart from that the acting is really great!

Ahmad Abdelmagid:

This is very very well done. Imo it would have been better if you switched shots to the man talking about being a vegetarian.

Alec Farai Munhapa:

not bad :)