(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Mike Tse:
I like the beginning bit of animation but it seems to outshine the actual dialogue bit. More time should be spent on hitting the accents of the dialogue and making the poses,animation read to convey what is happening in the dialogue. Right now the actions almost feels independent of what they are saying. Also, angling the big bunny more to camera would help so we can see his facial expressions and dialogue. A better composition would help.
Great concept between a vegetarian and a carnivore.. Let us see the carnivore acting.
Adrian Winchell:
Hah cool, nice use of the Buck rig.
S J Bennett:
JC turns to cannibalism! The horror! :) Big rig glitch around frame 270 though.
The audience has missed all the juicy animation parts because bunny has his back to us.
Lucas Donaldson:
Nice starting with the video. after that, the movements get a little less detailed.
Animator: Dmitry Privalov
Description: The Short Story on Eating Habits.
Experience: 5 months
Time taken: 57 hours