Final Rating: 4.50. Finished 43 out of 136 entries.

310 views including the voting period.


Animator: mikKoi

Description: Hello'h!
My first entry and it sure includes some pose2pose & off-model acting alright. Hope you like it!

Experience: 5 years

Time taken:


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Felipe Navarro:

A few more in betweens and its good, now it seems too jumpy from pose to pose.

Jake Love:

nice designs, reminds me of adult swim


the animation is missing a lot of animation. I would have spent more time on inbetweening on this one. it looks rushed. the characters are good enough that they should have had more fluid life like movement.

Vanessa Calogera Alessi:

I like the characters, but the mouths dont fit the dialogue